1st and 2nd Degree
- Start fluids through an IV
- Clean with Saline
- Add burn gel to burns
- Loosely wrap with non-adhesive gauze
3rd Degree
- Start fluids through an IV
- Cool down with Saline
In Hospital
1st Degree - Superficial
No surgery required
- Start fluids through an IV if not already started
- Cool the burn with a cool, not cold, flush or cool compress
- Apply burn cream if needed
- Apply clean, sterile bandages
- Treat Pain with over the counter pain medication
- Inform the patient to follow-up with a doctor:
- At signs of an infection (increased pain, redness, swelling, fever, oozing)
- Hasn’t been updated on a Tetanus shot
- Blister becomes larger than 2 inches
- Redness and pain lasts longer than a few hours
2nd Degree - Some Blisters
No surgery required
- Start fluids through an IV if not already started
- Cool the burn with a cool, not cold, flush or cool compress
- Don’t break blisters as this can cause infection
- Apply burn cream and antibiotic ointment
- Apply clean, sterile bandages
- Treat Pain with over the counter pain medication
- Inform the patient to follow-up with a doctor:
- At signs of an infection (increased pain, redness, swelling, fever, oozing)
- Hasn’t been updated on a Tetanus shot
- Blister becomes larger than 2 inches
- Redness and pain lasts longer than a few hours
3rd Degree - Destroyed Skin
Surgery Required
- Start fluids through an IV if not already started
- Move the patient into the operating room
- Apply an oxygen mask
- Administer a general anasthetic
- Clean out the affected area with saline
- Remove any debris inside the wound
- Either collect a skin graft from the patient, or grab a synthetic graft from the other room
- Attach the skin graft
- Ensure success
- Administer antibiotics
- Check vitals
- Move patient to recovery
Complications of 3rd Degree Burns
- Arrhythmia, or heart rhythm disturbances, caused by an electrical burn.
- Dehydration.
- Disfiguring scars and contractures.
- Edema (excess fluid and swelling in tissues).
- Organ failure.
- Pneumonia.
- Seriously low blood pressure (hypotension) that may lead to shock.
- Severe infection that may lead to amputation or sepsis.
4th Degree - Past Skin, Into Muscles/Bone
NOTE: Amputations are not allowed in some servers. Refer to your server rules or check with a server admin before proceeding
- Start fluids through an IV if not already started
- Move the patient into the operating room
- Apply an oxygen mask
- Administer a general anasthetic
- Assess the situation
- Determine if amputation is required
- Amputate if necessary
- Clean and suture wound
- Ensure success and good vitals
- Administer antibiotics
- Move patient to ICU for recovery