Paranormal Medicine

First and Foremost, remember that you do not have to believe a character is a paranormal patient. Just be mindful to not powergame the other player. You are always welcome to call in another doctor, or send the patient to “Nancy” if you do not feel comfortable treating them. Paranormal patients also bring in the ability to call non-medical staff to your assistance (such as a mechanic for a robot or animal control for a loose cow or horse).

Here are some tips to help when dealing with paranormal patients

Animals and Dinosaurs

  • Confirm the patient is an animal/dinosaur and not just dressed up as one
  • Adjust medication as needed to account for the weight of the species
    • Larger, heavier species would need more medication
    • Smaller, lighter species would need less medication
  • If confirmed to be an unaccompanied animal, you can attempt to call in animal control or your local law enforcement to help round up wild animals and send them back to a local farm or animal preserve
  • Animals may be treated similar to humans unless they are cold blooded
    • If cold-blooded, you may need to turn on a heat lamp


  • Confirm the patient is a robot and not just dressed up as one
  • This may require some creativity, but common things you can check:
    • Battery levels are showing a good voltage
    • Fuel and coolant levels are topped off
    • Loose wiring
    • Hull damage
    • If able to give a status report
    • Lights, Voice, Etc. is working as expected
  • Surgery for robotic patients can look like the following:
    • Replacing wires
    • Replacing metal parts (gears, poles, chains, cameras, sensors, etc.)
    • Pulling out dents
    • Calling in a vehicle mechanic to help you out
    • Plugging in to any console port and running diagnostics
    • Taking apart nearby electronics or metal objects for parts to use in surgery
  • Cautions:
    • Do not connect to higher than 240v electricity unless otherwise noted


  • Confirm the patient is a vampire
  • Assume the following allergies unless told otherwise:
    • Garlic
    • Sunlight
    • Crosses
    • Wooden Stakes
  • Patient may sparkle
  • Patient may need more blood intake than expected or what would be considered normal